Bell Tower Brewing Co. is making a Brave Noise.
It is a movement.
It is a collaboration.
It is a promise.
And it is a beer.

Our Commitment
We, at Bell Tower Brewing Co., believe that everyone is entitled to a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment, free from any kind of discrimination and/or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression, pregnancy, age, national origin, disability status, genetic information, protected veteran status, and/or any other characteristic protected by law. Any action which undermines our workplace morale and our commitment to treat each other with dignity and respect will not be tolerated.
Discrimination and Harassment Policy
To this end, Bell Tower Brewing Co. prohibits discrimination and harassment of any kind; where we understand that any behavior generally recognized as unwelcome, unwanted, inappropriate, coercive, unsolicited, and/or non-consensual is a violation of this policy and will be subject to corrective action, up to, and including termination. This policy applies to all team members, guests, and 3rd party vendors. It includes verbal and non-verbal discrimination and all forms of sexual harassment including, but not limited to:
- Comments that are knowingly and/or intentionally offensive or unwelcome; including epithets, slurs and/or negative stereotyping
- Distribution, discussion or display of any written or graphic material, including posters, calendars, cartoons and/or sexually suggestive social media posts that ridicule, insult, and/or show hostility towards any individual or group
- Sexual innuendos, suggestive comments, jokes of a sexual nature, sexual propositions, lewd remarks, repeated unwanted advances and/or threats of assault
- Unwelcome and unwanted physical contact including: touching, pinching, patting, hugging, fondling, brushing up against and/or assault.
*This behavior will absolutely not be tolerated by any guest or 3rd party vendor while visiting our establishment. If Bell Tower management is made aware that the behavior of a guest or 3rd party vendor is making a team member feel uncomfortable and/or interfering with their ability to perform their job responsibilities and/or conflicts with Bell Tower’s promise to provide a safe working environment, that person will be asked to vacate our property immediately.
If any team member, guest, or 3rd party vendor (on-premise, or off-premise) believes they are a victim of and/or believe they have witnessed any form of discrimination and/or harassment, Bell Tower management requests, and encourages, you to report your complaint immediately to any member of the Bell Tower management team. While we recognize that each situation will be unique, all complaints will be investigated promptly and confidentiality, free from bias and judgment. After reviewing the documented facts, management will determine the appropriate course of corrective action that may include, but is not limited to, the following
- Enrollment in further educational training specific to the recorded violation
- Enlistment of a professional to conduct a conclusive investigation
- Recommendation of a voluntary leave of absence
- Termination of employment
No reprisal, retaliation, or other adverse action will be taken against any team member, guest, or 3rd party vendor for making a complaint and/or reporting any act of discrimination and/or harassment. However, false and/or malicious complaints are an abuse of this policy and will be treated as a violation.
Please send an email to report@belltowerbrewing.com to report a violation of our policy.